Japanese Shrine - Ep2

- The whole process creation, step by step plus speed level design below -

First shots - before colour grading

Lighting reference - Movie shots for a change of mood

Lighting reference - Movie shots for a change of mood

Davinci Resolve - ACEScg - EXR sequence

Davinci Resolve - ACEScg - EXR sequence

Material Instance snow funcionality applied to Megascans asset

Adjustment into Megascan Default Displacement MasterMaterial to add Snow

Adjustment into Megascan Default Displacement MasterMaterial to add Snow

Water material into Ice looking material process

Material Instance details

Material Instance details

Camera set animation sequencer - DOF. Rendered with Movie Render Queu quality settings for ACEScg - EXR sequence and better motion blur

Camera set animation sequencer - DOF. Rendered with Movie Render Queu quality settings for ACEScg - EXR sequence and better motion blur

Falling Snow - Niagara particle system
Composed by multiple layers to generate a more realistic effect : Bokeh, Medium and Small Sprite renders, Big and small Mesh renders (that collide with the environment).

Falling Snow - Niagara particle system
Composed by multiple layers to generate a more realistic effect : Bokeh, Medium and Small Sprite renders, Big and small Mesh renders (that collide with the environment).

Candles - Subsurface Material

Credit to M5 VFX Vol2 Fire & Flames by Jeonguk Choi.
Fantastic work creating multiple particles systems with Niagara that are easy to use and look fantastic.

Credit to M5 VFX Vol2 Fire & Flames by Jeonguk Choi.
Fantastic work creating multiple particles systems with Niagara that are easy to use and look fantastic.

Concept art by Surendra Rajawat

Concept art by Surendra Rajawat

This is the second episode for my scene Japanese Shrine. All process explained and speed level creation.
Work in progress for my own research on the differences between UE4 and UE5. So I have started to create an environment that I converted to a night shot in Episode 1 to test the differences in the result when I migrate the project to Unreal Engine 5 and how Lumen and Nanite will improve the performance.
This second episode is all about snow and ice and the differences in lighting that can be achieved by a directional light and volumetric clouds occluding the sun for softer shadows or the use of an HDRI backdrop, again I will be migrating this project to UE5 as I am very excited about Nanite, I have really pushed the boundaries within UE4 with tones of Megascans asset tones, expensive shader materials and big texture sizes.
I hope to also be able to make videos to show and upload the speed level design showing the workflow in the near future.

August 4, 2022